Hey every­body! It’s a new webcomic of Ninja and Pirate! What a surprise! Hopefully the world hasn’t ended yet so you can still read this. If it has ended: PLEASE SEND HELP!

Every week a new comic will be until the end of time! I’m gonna have one heck of a busy day at work tomor­row so I fig­ured I had bet­ter get some sem­blance of a blog post down or else the Blog Gods (or Blods as they have made them­selves known to me) will get angry again and we don’t want a repeat of last time.

I’m gonna be start­ing to sell mer­chan­dise and stuff for you all as soon as I fig­ure out how. Any­one with any good tips on how to do any of that mar­ket­ing and mer­chan­dis­ing raz­za­matazz can email me at ninja_pirate_comic@yahoo.com or get in con­tact with me on the Twit­ter @ninjaandpirate! Again, thank you guys so much for your inter­est– feigned, gen­uine, and oth­er­wise! This is super excit­ing! If you like the comic let me know and I’ll do my best to keep up the stuff you enjoy! If you don’t like it, also let me know because I can’t improve if I don’t know what’s wrong! If you take the red pill, you find out how deep this rab­bit hole goes. See that’s sort of a double entendre because the red pill is a suppository.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter @ninjaandpirate or email me at ninja_pirate_comic@yahoo.com! And now that those are on the internet for all to see, I’ll talk to you soon, spambots!