Hey guys! Man this blog post is late, isn’t it? Well, I had some time waiting for these loan documents to upload so I figured I’d throw up a paragraph or two and also my lunch so that I can be pretty. Anyway Ninja and Pirate is hitting the mainstream, by which it means I get about 20 views a day. Yay! Up top! Seriously though, if you want to know about something cool before all of your friends you can be a super scientist and invent slash discover something awesome or you can read this comic! One of them is a lot easier and requires less sacrifices than the other! (Hint: it’s the science.)

Apologies go out to anyone who takes offense to this comic. I’ll have you know that some of my best friends watch Doctor Who and read comic…okay no they don’t, but I do! Seriously! I’ve been reading a lot of the Fear Itself event from two years ago at Marvel and so far it’s bone-crushingly brutal. I’m hoping the ending holds up a lot better than Civil War did.

Well we just got an input file in that I’ve gotta rush so if I remember I’ll write more later. I will be busy tonight because the father-in-law and I are gonna try to stay alive playing Left 4 Dead: 2. My hopes aren’t high. I’m terrible at that game. He’s great at it, but my fat butt is running around shooting at some seriously menacing drywall. I’ll see you guys later!