There’s been this growth on the internet that’s been spreading for half a year. It’s pretty gross. It’s called NINJAANDPIRATE.COM! That’s right loyal viewer, we’ve hit the six month mark and that means tonight I’m going to get drunk…on victory! Also, booze. Maybe. Anyway, thank you for being with me, Ninja, Pirate, and Doctor Whoo these past six months! Hopefully, we’ll know who the father is soon.

Apparently some sort of election happened yesterday. Why wasn’t there anything on the TV or radio about it?Come on people, get involved! On a similar note, I haven’t turned on the TV or radio in months.

Some of you may be first time view­ers! If you are then I have some bad news. It’s terminal. Anyway, here’s a link to the first comic in this sto­ry­line: LINK TO SOMETHING HORRIBLE. We’re glad to have you here and I hope you enjoy!! You can leave thoughts, con­cerns, ques­tions, fan and hate mail at or stalk me and things I say via Twit­ter@ninjaandpirate!

Keep check­ing back every week to see the adven­tures of Ninja and Pirate each and every Wednes­day. Tell your friends to see it as well because nothing became popular just because one person liked it. And you want to be popular don’t you? DON’T YOU?! The more read­ers I have means the more often I can post comics. If I get enough inter­est gen­er­ated in this comic I can start pro­duc­ing mer­chan­dise for you all, and if start mak­ing enough income from this comic I can increase the num­ber of comics to maybe, in time, five per week! I would love to just do comics for you lovely peo­ple, plus it would make the story lines go a lot faster! So tell your friends and loved-ones about Ninja and Pirate and have them do the same! Every­body wins (except the losers of course.)

I’m still try­ing to fig­ure out the mobile site and its issues for why some fine folks can’t see the comic on their fancy screens. No progress yet so those in the know are wel­come to include me please. All I know is that on ye olde iPhone at least you can hit the ‘Reader’ but­ton in the search bar and get the comic vis­i­ble. I don’t know how it works on Droids or Black­Ber­rys or Cyber­netic Uplinks but I know it at least works that way on Apple’s license to print money phone. Any­body with any knowl­edge or info feel free to down­load those brain cells into my dig­i­tal brain cell read­ing device

Enjoy the semi-new links page! In it is a bunch of links that lead to some fan­tas­tic web­comics and blogs that I fre­quent and are well worth your time! The blogs are both edu­ca­tional and amus­ing and the comics are some of the best pro­fes­sional and indie stuff out there. Some of the comic artists even know what they are doing! That’d be a nice change of pace, huh?

I have a deviantart account under the name JMFlan­ders and it has a bunch of my other work on it. Work that’s dras­ti­cally dif­fer­ent from Ninja and Pirate, so be warned. Give it a glance if you want. You’ll find Fan Art, Con­cep­tual Work, and some pretty twisted mon­ster designs! I’m open for com­mis­sions too! You can also fol­low me under the name @ninjaandpirate on Twit­ter! That way you can see my thoughts sprayed out on the internet in their unsettling and uncouth natural habitat. Last time I did that I got a court order.

Any­way, I hope you guys like the comic so far. Remem­ber that people on the east coast still need your help and assistance. Donate your time and money to the relief effort if you can spare it. Oh also the iPad Mini came out recently so there’s that too-slash-instead!