Spidey is back! Spidey is gonna be in Civil War, which is great because he was integral to that storyline. It’s also probably good that he’s in Civil War and not in the Infinity War, which he would probably be next to useless in. Well, not really. Spidey always finds away. That’s why he’s one of my favorite super heroes. I’m glad Marvel can take control of him even if it’s just for one movie. Sony has recently been mishandling him terribly. Sam Raimi’s run was goofy and spot on to Silver Age Spider-Man. Sony recently tried to take a chance on modern Spidey but didn’t know what to do. He was a jokester, he was depressed, he was brooding, he was angsty, he was flippant, he was all over the place, but he wasn’t Spider-Man. You can’t throw all that into a blender and then throw the blender at the wall and call it a cohesive character. It does stink that Andrew Garfield won’t get a chance to be Pete again because he had glimpses of brilliance in his performance if only he could have been handed a decent script. I hope Marvel gets this right. I really do.