I had a great time at the Sci-Fi Expo in Dallas! A HUGE thanks to everybody who came out and visited, got prints, and everything! Hello to all my new readers! I hope you enjoy Ninja and Pirate as much as I enjoy making it for you. Another shoutout to a little lady named Katie, who visited me on my first con in Dallas and has stopped by my booth every time since! I’m sorry we didn’t have the print done like I promised we would but we WILL be shipping you one of it as soon as my beloved wife colors it. I’m super glad to have a fan as cool as you!

Again thank you to everyone who made the SciFi Expo worth the four hour drive. A big show of gratitude to my wife who didn’t have to go, but drove there, got up early, went shopping, packed, made prints, made lunches, and picked up the car along with inking, coloring, sitting with me, buying me comics, and generally just supporting me in nearly every possible way. I love you Allicat and I couldn’t do this without you. You are kind of freaking amazing. Thank you.

Anyway, that’s enough sap for now. Seriously, my pancakes are drenched. I’ll see you guys on Saturday for a new comic! Wish my art student Cailin luck as she auditions for Quartz Mountain academy on Saturday too, if you can!

Ninja and Pirate have their own Twitter feeds! They can be found at @HeyImPirate and @NinjaIsMyName for daily hilarity, hi-jinx, all at 140 characters because Twitter is dumb.