I’ve always wondered this. Who do they have who says “Yeah, this dry granulated biscuit is LOADS better than that other garbage you were churning out!” Also, as a bit of a behind-the-scenes: the dog on the box in the first panel is my very best friend. That’s Cocoa and he is such a champ. He’s been with me through Grade, Middle, High School, and College. He’s really getting up there in age, the poor guy. The worst part of it is that he’s still just a big puppy at heart. He wants to play when he knows I’m there but he’s too tired and sore. I’m afraid he’ll be butt-scooting off this mortal coil soon and I don’t know if I’m ready for it. He’s an old man and he’s hurting so it’s selfish of me to want him to stay but, I mean, he’s my best friend. I love him. I don’t know how I’ll get along without him. I love you Cocoa. I know you can’t read, but I do. I’m gonna miss you pal. You are the best a guy could ask for.

On a happier note, Ninja and Pirate has a lot of ways you can show your love! Vote it up RIGHT HERE to make it one of the top webcomics around! You can always upvote my posts on Reddit right HERE to help them get seen by more people, if you think they deserve it. And of course there’s the old Facebook page too. Or you can always leave a comment below to let me know what you thought. Finally, I am on Twitter at @NinjaandPirate and you can find the two nutballs themselves at @HeyImPirate and @NinjaIsMyName.

The comics are finally ready to be put in the book! Let’s hope I can do it in time! Sleepless nights here I come! I’ll see you all on Saturday for another hopefully hilarious Ninja and Pirate!